Does Marcel Become a Normal Vampire Again

Marcel in his new gym

In For the Next Millennium, Marcel had transformed the church building into a fighting gym for his vampires. He would often spar with Elijah when Elijah needed to blow off steam. Subsequently, he asked Davina for assist in creating daylight rings for his vampires but she refused, saying that every bit new Regent of the witches, she couldn't risk looking like a vampire sympathizer. Cami and Vincent met him at his gym and questioned him on the contempo murders in the city where it looked similar compulsion was involved. Marcel denied any of his vampires existence responsible, reminding him that he wasn't the only vampire in the city. Later, while sparring with Vincent, he chastised him for not being there for Davina to assistance lead the witches.

In You lot Hung the Moon, afterwards Davina was attacked past another witch, Marcel told her that a bear witness of force was needed. However, when a massacre took place that included the witch who attacked her, Marcel scolded Davina for her actions.

Marcel overpowered by Aya

In I'll Meet Yous in Hell or New Orleans, Marcel discussed their current situation with his vampires; proverb that with the serial killer running around, they would accept to terminate feeding off tourists and locals for the time beingness. He told Josh to get into contact with the hospitals and claret banks to help compensate their needs. Their coming together was interrupted by the arrival of Aya, who had told Marcel she had an offer for him. Marcel reacted defensively, telling some of his men to remove her from the building. Aya, being three times Marcel'due south age, hands subdued his vampires before Marcel joined the fray. He put up a fight but was no match for Aya who relentlessly beat him downward. She was impressed by his resolve and proposed that they take the conversation some place more private, where he wouldn't be trying to defend his pride in front of his men. Aya slashed him with a blade on her finger that was coated with a toxin of her ain making. Marcel passed out from its furnishings and woke up in a large house.

Marcel in the Strix headquarters

Marcel was awoken by Aya dumping h2o on him and she explained that she and her friends could assistance Marcel with both his need of blood bags and daylight rings for his vampires. She began telling him how impressed she was that he was sired past an Original but made his own fortune, edifice New Orleans from the ground upward and condign its king by his hard work. Marcel wanted to know who her friends were and she explained that she worked for The Strix, the oldest society of vampires in the world. Elijah arrived and revealed that he knew Aya, attacking her and threatening her for more data. The leader of The Strix, Tristan, interrupted which prompted him and Elijah to have a word alone. Elijah ordered Marcel to leave, which he did grudgingly. Later, Marcel told Josh how he was frustrated past his dwelling being invaded by The Strix but as well just as annoyed by Elijah treating him like a kid. Marcel examined the carte du jour Aya had offered him with The Strix's location and insignia on it.

Marcel at the Strix gala

In A Walk on the Wild Side, Tristan contacted Marcel later on sending him a mask and tuxedo, inviting him to gala thrown by The Strix. He as well sent Elijah an invitation, hoping that he'd be able to attend. Marcel went to the gala where Aya showed him around and introduced him to the possibility of joining their ranks. During the gala, when information technology became clear that it was no party, but rather Marcel'southward initiation into The Strix, Tristan entered the ballroom and got the attendees' attending. He told Marcel how he would have to testify his worth if he were to join The Strix, noting that Marcel'south daylight ring had gone missing during the party, much to Marcel's surprise. He told him that he'd have until sunrise to endeavour and figure out who took his ring and and so get it from them, despite The Strix members mostly being far older than Marcel.

Marcel outsmarts Mohinder

Marcel deduced that Aya had taken the band but given information technology to Mohinder, a skilled combatant who liked to feed on his defeated opponents. Once declaring that Mohinder had his ring, he had to fight him to get the ring dorsum. The fight seemed to be going poorly, with Mohinder easily chirapsia down Marcel. Fifty-fifty though he was outmatched, though, Marcel revealed that he had Hayley bite him on the arm then that when Mohinder tried to feed on him, he would exist poisoned by Marcel's blood. His cunning gave Marcel the victory and granted him a place among The Strix, the kickoff member who wasn't part of Elijah's sireline.

Marcel is enlisted by Elijah

In The Axeman'due south Alphabetic character, Marcel was enlisted by Elijah to figure out what Tristan was really doing in New Orleans. Elijah explained his suspicions that Tristan was working with an unknown 2d party, and wanted Marcel to use his newly acquired Strix membership to aid learn the truth. Marcel made clear that he just joined The Strix to figure out what they wanted with his metropolis and was uneasy almost maybe blowing his encompass to investigate the society's leader. However, Marcel revealed he had contacts in the city he could use where his participation wouldn't be discovered, so Marcel had Tristan tailed by some of his vampires. They reported back that Tristan was secretly working with Lucien, despite their claims that their sirelines were at war. Marcel informed Elijah of his discovery that Tristan and Lucien had actually been aligned the entire time.

Marcel cautions Hayley about Shen Min

In Beautiful Mistake, Marcel was contacted by Hayley about a fellow member of The Strix named Shen Min who had been tailing her and she had taken captive. Marcel knew about Shen's reputation as a very dangerous vampire, so he called Elijah seeking advice on how to handle the situation, especially given Marcel's recent induction into The Strix. Shen taunted Marcel, telling him he had suspected Marcel would be a turncoat. Shen bankrupt free of his constraints and easily overpowered Hayley and Marcel, shoving his hand into both of their chests, planning to tear out their hearts. Elijah arrived, stabbing him in the back with a large piece of wood. He then questioned Shen on what he knew, compelling the answers out of him. He told Elijah that they wanted Davina Claire and that Hayley was in the way of getting her. He told Elijah that Davina was needed to power a weapon that Tristan planned to use against the Mikaelsons. When questioned further, rather than reveal his secrets, Shen chose to kill himself, removing his daylight band and burning to death in the sunlight.

Marcel warns Davina about The Strix

In Out of the Easy, after Rebekah had been attacked by The Strix, Marcel worked with the Mikaelsons to try and discover her. When Freya'southward attempt to use a locator spell to find her failed Marcel wanted to become to The Strix for Rebekah's location but Elijah told him to instead focus on preventing Davina from activating Tristan and Lucien's weapon. Marcel met with Davina at his gym, alert her that The Strix needed her to take down the Mikaelsons. He offered to get Davina out of town merely she denied his offer, assertive she could handle herself. Still concerned, Marcel went to Vincent at Rousseau's and tried to convince Vincent to assist go Davina out of the danger she was in. After, he contacted Freya to see if she had gotten any closer to finding Rebekak only to learn she hadn't. That nighttime, after Davina's deportment forced Vincent to have her shunned by the witches, and so that The Strix couldn't use her Regent powers to activate their weapon, Marcel was concerned for her well being merely relieved that her punishment hadn't been fatal and was now not going to be used past The Strix.

Marcel is briefed on his mission

In The Other Girl in New Orleans, Marcel tried to help observe Cami after she had been captured by Aurora de Martel but his efforts were interrupted by Aya. She unexpectedly showed up at his loft, scoffing at his lack of accomplishments equally a Strix fellow member and accusing him of getting Davina'due south status equally Regent revoked to thwart their efforts to actuate their weapon. He tried his best to convince her that he had nothing to do with information technology, just she remained skeptical. Aya explained that The Strix required his assist and it would be in a mission that would put his loyalty to the exam. When Marcel learned it was to rescue Tristan who had been taken hostage past the Originals, he believed it was a suicide mission. However, Aya showed him The Cursed Stake she had used to take downward Rebekah. She explained that his function was unproblematic: he would go into the chemical compound nether the guise of friendship, stab Elijah with the cursed stake and free Tristan; rescuing their leader and imprisoning the head of their sireline in a single swift motility.

Marcel stakes Elijah

That night, Marcel arrived at the chemical compound and informed Elijah that he was there on the behalf of The Strix, asking him politely to release Tristan and alarm him that The Strix would eventually come in force to retrieve their leader. He brought upwards that Marcel bringing Tristan back to The Strix would get him deeper into the society and earning more of their trust. Elijah refused to go along with his suggestion, having no intention of releasing Tristan. Once he had Elijah alone, and Elijah was beginning to question Marcel's loyalty, Marcel showed him the cursed pale and admitted that he betrayed him, bringing several Strix members with him. Marcel led the attack on Elijah but was easily knocked away first before Elijah slaughtered many of the others with help from Hayley. Marcel got back up and impaled Elijah, seemingly with the cursed stake earlier saving Hayley from ii Strix vampires, confusing her as to whose side he was on. He found Aya freeing Tristan and convinced them to leave and the he healed a wounded Freya, showing her that he hadn't actually used the curse stake on Elijah but instead used a regular one, telling her to remind him who his existent friends were and proving he was yet loyal to the Mikaelsons.

Marcel regrouped with Tristan and Aya at his loft, giving Tristan Klaus' blood to heal from the werewolf bites he had received during his captivity. Having convincing The Strix of his loyalty and earning Tristan's gratitude, he was surprised when they decided to leave and told him they would be in touch. Marcel, wanting to take reward of the good will he had earned with them, demanded that he be given more of a reward for helping save Tristan, saying that the events of the day proved that The Strix needed him on their side, disarming them to permit him deeper into The Strix's inner circle. Tristan agreed and asked him to come with them so he could see everything being a fellow member of The Strix really had to offer him.

Marcel learns about Tristan'south program

In Savior, Marcel arrived at his bar to find Tristan, who explained his programme to marry himself with Van Nguyen and have him become the new Regent since they still needed one to activate The Serratura. He soon after went to Vincent and told him near Tristan's plan for Van and the Regency. He tried to convince Vincent to take a stand up instead of letting the witches exist led by a boy with loyalty to The Strix, essentially handing over nine covens of witches to Tristan. When Vincent remained defensive and told Marcel to stay out of witch business, Marcel goaded him by request if he was going to get another teenage girl to do his dirty work. His taunts worked and Vincent displayed his power in anger, explaining that he would practice as Marcel wished and take the regency just, to Marcel'southward surprise, Vincent promised him that he wouldn't like what he did with the Regent title. Later, Tristan showed upwards at the gym wanting to know who the new witch Regent was since Van had been denied and Marcel told him it was Vincent, which Tristan quickly took reward of despite the set-dorsum.

Marcel convinces Aya to abandon Tristan

In A Ghost Forth the Mississippi, after The Strix succeeded in having Vincent activate The Serratura and taking Hayley hostage, Marcel was present after the Mikaelsons struck back past taking Aurora captive, viewing the aftermath with Tristan and Aya. When Elijah demanded an exchange of Aurora for Hayley and the Serratura, Tristan complied but planned on overwhelming the Mikaelsons by bringing dozens of Strix members downward on the Originals so they could seal them away with the Serratura during the exchange. Marcel went to the exchange many other Strix members and watched equally the Mikaelsons outsmarted Tristan and trapped him within of a shipping crate with the Serratura. When Tristan ordered The Strix to attack the Originals, Marcel heeded Aya to stand down since they would lose far too many Strix members if they tried. Aya listened to Marcel'due south advice and The Strix abandoned their leader to his fate.

The Strix inner circle meeting

In Wild at Heart, Marcel attended a dinner Aya hosted with some of The Strix inner circle. However, the dinner was revealed to exist a test of loyalty every bit Aya brought out the witch Ariane to divine the Strix members' true intentions. Marcel was visibly nervous about the results, particularly afterward Aya hands struck downward a Strix fellow member who was shown to accept nefarious intentions. She made clear that she wouldn't allow anyone to take advantage of the society'due south electric current leaderless circumstances for a power catch. When Marcel revealed the divination card showing his intentions, he was surprised himself to run into that it displayed a loyal knight, much to his relief. After Davina was recruited to be one of The Strix's witches, The Sisters, Marcel met with Josh who asked what they were going to do about The Strix now that Davina was working for them.

Marcel takes the Strix charter

In Dead Angels, Marcel confronted Aya about recruiting Davina, telling her that she was but a kid. Aya countered that Davina was a former Regent and it was a shame she merely joined them later her shunning. Bellyaching with Marcel's insubordination, she warned him to showtime making himself essential to the plans she was preparing. When The Strix learned at that place was potential weapon in play that could threaten the Originals, Aya called a meeting to discuss how to proceed in making certain that weapon was under their command. Marcel watched Elijah interrupted the meeting and made merits to the order he had started, wanting to lead it now that Tristan was out of the moving picture, even bringing out the charter that dictated the rules of the society. When Aya objected his claim, challenging him to what the charter dubbed "a game of kings", where whoever held the charter at midnight would be named the new leader of The Strix. The two entered a duel to decide who got the charter simply Marcel took the opportunity to snatch the charter, reminding them that all the rules dictated was that someone had to have the lease at midnight, not the specifics on how they did that. He then fled with information technology in his hand.

Marcel becomes leader of The Strix

Marcel used his extensive knowledge of the city and his contacts in New Orleans to hide with the lease just was eventually establish past Elijah. He goaded Elijah into coming inside of the home he was hiding in, simply to go out when he did, ownership himself enough time until midnight. When the time came and Marcel still held the charter, he was named the new leader of the aboriginal vampire society, having used his cunning instead of fauna strength to brand upwards for the age deviation between him and his rival candidates. Elijah initially seemed enraged past the results, shoving his hand into Marcel'south chest and threatening to kill him simply Marcel reminded him that he just played the game by the rules. Elijah relented and Aya seethed over her loss. Later, Marcel met with Elijah and the two celebrated, having orchestrated the entire thing for Marcel to become leader every bit they now had disarmed much of The Strix's threat and had an army of ancient vampires as allies. Marcel later met with a begrudged Aya and reminded her that he had feel running vampire societies and the first thing he did was make certain his followers were loyal. Aya explained why she recruited Davina; to apply a spell to sever the sirelines from the Originals, and then their lives were no longer dependent on theirs. Citing information technology as the simply manner to be truly gratuitous, she asked Marcel if he was set up to pb them to freedom.

Marcel speaks with Davina

In Heart Shaped Box, afterward learning that the Mikaelsons had lost the concluding remaining white oak to Aurora de Martel, he went to Klaus, telling him that he had sent The Strix looking for Aurora because of the threat she posed to all of them. When Klaus realized how close Marcel was becoming to The Strix equally their new leader, he questioned if Marcel had any other news near them that he wanted to share. Marcel remained silent about The Strix'southward plans to unlink the sirelines. Marcel went to Davina who was working to try and figure out how to sever the sirelines, but also focused on bringing back Kol. Marcel told her that Kol could expect a trivial longer, while his life could stop at any minute with the threat of Aurora and the white oak still out there and the sirelines withal in tact. He asked her to trust him, assuring her he was loyal to her over Aya, and that in one case the sirelines were unlinked, he would practise all he could to assistance her bring back her boyfriend.

Marcel tries to stop Aya

Afterwards, subsequently Davina deduced that they needed the middle of an unsired vampire, such equally Hayley to complete the spell, The Strix attacked the hybrid in Marcel's gym. Marcel tried to stop Aya from taking Hayley'south centre, telling her killing Hayley would start a war with the Mikaelsons who would impale them before they even had a chance to unlink themselves. Aya refused his orders and the two fought. Though she was much stronger than him, Marcel convinced her to give him fourth dimension to find some other style or else all of The Strix would be condemned to expiry by the Originals if they did information technology her style. Later on Marcel reminded her that he wanted to be unlinked but as much equally he did, Aya gave him until midnight and threatened to kill him if he didn't find another solution. Marcel later brought her the heart of the late Jackson Kenner, whose heart had become magically identical to Hayley during their nuptials ceremony. Aya accustomed the culling, calling him a creative leader but Marcel warned her that if she crossed him over again, he'd be only as artistic in finding a mode to impale her.

Marcel works with other members of Klaus' sireline

In A Streetcar Named Desire, Marcel spoke to Davina as she fabricated the final preparations to pause the sire link. She assured him it would exist fine and he might feel warmth when the spell began but it would pass once it was cleaved. Marcel warned her that going through the plan would be risky, as the Mikaelsons would retaliate only Davina was confident everything would piece of work out. Hayley called Marcel after she found Lucien Castle in Aurora's hideout, and Marcel learned that Aya had taken both Klaus and Elijah to begin the de-siring spell. Lucien, however, told Marcel that it wasn't just about de-siring, but also an execution. Aya was going to test the spell'due south success past executing Klaus with white oak, risking Marcel and the rest of Klaus'due south sireline's lives. Lucien reminded him about the prophecy that stated Klaus' sireline would fall and burn, prompting Marcel to endeavor to stop Aya. He worked with Hayley, Freya, Lucien and another member of Klaus' sireline, Stefan Salvatore. When they learned countless Strix were coming to defend the captive Originals, Lucien suggested Marcel just call them off but Marcel explained that if he did that, Aya would stage a coup and information technology would solve nothing.

Marcel was convinced their plan was suicide as they didn't stand a chance against a hundred of the earth'due south oldest vampires. Notwithstanding, Stefan remarked that it might work if they got them to the forepart door, knowing the vampire huntress Rayna Cruz was still tracking him down and had feel in slaying vampires. Marcel drove Stefan and Hayley to the Strix hideout earlier going inside and speaking with Aya, who was anxious to gratuitous thousands of vampires from the Originals. She told Marcel to exist close-by when the spell happened, which, unknown to Aya, Marcel now knew was so she could run across if he was still linked when she executed Klaus.

Marcel is de-sired from Klaus

Marcel told Davina about Aya's programme to execute Klaus and possibly Elijah and that if the spell didn't piece of work, he would die when Klaus was killed. Davina was undeterred, assertive the spell would work and wanting to rid the world of Klaus. She told him he deserved to be gratuitous of Klaus and to trust her complete the spell. Afterward, as Davina and the Sisters performed the spell, Marcel and Hayley tried to stop them only were tossed aside by magic. After Elijah was awakened, Davina nonetheless completed the spell on Klaus, severing his link to his sireline. Marcel felt an intense called-for equally the spell worked, and his immortal life was de-sired from Klaus. Once the spell was completed, Marcel took Davina to his loft, fearing Klaus' retaliation simply she was furious with him for not assertive in her and trying to stop the spell. Marcel bodacious her he was e'er on her side and had her back merely some things weren't worth the price you lot had to pay to go them.

Marcel speaks to Josh subsequently the de-siring

In An Old Friend Calls, Marcel returned to his loft to notice that Josh and many of his other vampires had partied all night jubilant their de-siring from Klaus. Marcel reminded Josh that while their sireline was severed, The Strix were nonetheless sired to Elijah. Josh questioned why they notwithstanding cared, saying Marcel had played undercover leader, at present he could just transport them away from New Orleans. Marcel assured him that The Strix were thinning out, and it would be back to their usual business organization but two Strix members arrived with news that their society wasn't leaving even so since three of their upper level members were missing. Despite their lack of respect and threatening to discipline them for insubordination, Marcel went with them to try and notice their missing friends. Afterward, when Elijah asked Marcel to have The Strix brand sure all of the white oak was completely gone, Marcel explained the situation of the missing members, prompting Elijah to investigate besides.

Marcel brings Cortez's head to The Strix

Marcel had Josh enquire Davina for help finding them and they found their bodies, covered in werewolf bites, having been tortured and torn apart virtually the site of Jackson'due south death. Marcel suspected Hayley was responsible and told Elijah that The Strix would want whoever was responsible's head. To cover up Hayley's interest, Marcel instead framed Gaspar Cortez and gave The Strix his head instead, coming upward with a believable story given Cortez's hostile by with the vampire society. He went on to tell them that vampires from all over were coming to New Orleans looking for the final of the white oak then if The Strix wanted to protect themselves and their sireline, they'd need to help him make sure any potential enemies were neutralized.

Marcel corners Sofya

In Solitary with Everybody, Marcel had The Strix shadow Elijah to protect their sire from the threat of the last remaining white oak and the legion of Mikaelson enemies coming to town. He asked Elijah to just comply with the added security and to stay put and so The Strix could notice the last white oak. Josh met him at the loft to tell him nigh an online auction for the last white oak bullet, something that The Strix hadn't noticed since they didn't pay equally good of attending to modern things as Josh did. They learned more most the auction and Marcel used The Strix's extensive resources and their pledge to fulfill any one command to win the auction. Marcel sent Josh to retrieve the prize but he was brutally browbeaten by Sofya and her vampires running the auction. Marcel arrived to save him and they tracked Sofya down with Vincent's help. Marcel confronted her on the streets with his allies and Sofya submitted, but refused to give him her employer's name. Marcel gave the white oak bullet to Elijah just later some debate amid Elijah and his newly revived brothers, Kol Mikaelson and Finn Mikaelson, he didn't destroy it, instead opting to keep it relieve, much to Marcel's chagrin. However, the ii historic the victory until Marcel returned to his loft to observe Josh unconscious and the captive Sofya missing, as the Mikaelsons learned the sale had just been a lark in a larger scheme made by Lucien Castle.

Marcel is choked by Kol

In The Devil Comes Here and Sighs, after Marcel learned that Kol's resurrection had been corrupted by The Ancestors so he couldn't control his bloodlust, Marcel bankrupt his neck during a engagement with Davina when he growing hostile. When Davina questioned his action, Marcel told her he was preventing a claret bath and protecting her, simply told her to become assistance Vincent who was having trouble in the cemetery while Marcel would keep an center on Kol. Marcel gave Kol a blood bag when he woke up, hoping to satiate his hunger and go on him calm. When the claret proved unsuccessful, Marcel wouldn't allow Kol virtually Davina in his feral country, infuriating Kol enough to start blindly strangling Marcel. Marcel tried to pause through to the Original, telling him despite never liking him even on the best of days, Kol clearly wasn't himself. Kol's fury persisted until Davina and Vincent managed to make magic unable to influence the bar again. Kol relented, snapping out of his mania, and he promised Marcel he would never hurt Davina. Despite his claims, Marcel told Kol to practise the correct matter and go out for Davina's safety. Kol listened to Marcel and tried to flee New Orleans, leaving Marcel to explain Kol's deviation to a shocked Davina.

Marcel tries to aid save Cami

In No More Heartbreaks, upon hearing Cami had been attacked by the newly empowered Lucien, Marcel called Davina to tell her. He met up with Vincent in Cami's flat, who was collecting Lucien's blood on the floor to hopefully detect a cure for his bite. The two briefly discussed how an innocent person was once again collateral harm in the chaos that surrounded the Mikaelsons. After collecting Lucien'south blood, they brought it to Cami to drink but it proved unable to help aid her worsening status. Vincent asked Marcel if The Strix might take something to heal Cami but Marcel regretfully explained that The Strix didn't accept a solution for something that never existed before like Lucien's toxicant. With no manner to heal her, Cami succumbed to Lucien'south bite and died. Davina arrived and after realizing she was gone, Marcel hugged her, both grieving for Camille.

Marcel begs the Mikaelsons to help revive Davina

In Where Nada Stays Cached, Marcel went to the bar to find Kol, his clothes covered in blood, holding Davina's lifeless corpse. Marcel, in stunned disbelief, demanded to know what Kol was notwithstanding doing at that place, since he was supposed to take left the metropolis. When Marcel saw Davina's torso and realized The Ancestors successfully used Kol'southward amplified anger to kill her, he lashed out violently against Kol, devastated by Davina's death. Kol swore he loved her and explained that he had tried to even have Davina dagger him to protect her but Marcel, determined not to lose Davina, yelled that they were in New Orleans and witches could sometimes be brought dorsum, declaring that they were going to revive Davina. He had Vincent come up to the bar to prepare to consecrate Davina and brought Kol back to the chemical compound, to ask for the Mikaelsons' help in making sure Davina'due south resurrection went as planned.

Marcel devastated by Davina's loss

At the chemical compound, Freya managed to bring Davina's spirit into a protective circle so The Ancestors couldn't harm her while they prepared to bring her back to life. When they had a moment lonely, Davina thanked Marcel for saving her at the Harvest years ago and for everything else he had washed for her after, telling him she loved him. Their moment was interrupted by Elijah and Freya, with Elijah pinning Marcel to the wall and request him for forgiveness. The Mikaelsons needed The Ancestors' ability to defeat Lucien and the only way to get it was by sacrificing their risk to bring back Davina. Marcel tried to fight back as Davina screamed for him to help her but Elijah snapped his neck. When he woke upwardly, Davina was gone and he tried to get Vincent, Kol, and the Regent Van Nguyen to revive her immediately, worried it was too late. Unfortunately, when Van tried, the spell was unsuccessful since The Ancestors had already gotten to Davina's spirit and shredded her soul. With no way of bringing her back, Marcel clutched Davina's paw and cried over her body, shattered past the loss of a girl who saw him as her guardian.

Marcel angrily breaks ties with the Mikaelsons

Subsequently, mourning Davina, Marcel drank past himself when he was met by Klaus and Elijah. Furious over their part in Davina'southward failed revival, he hatefully reminded them that he had washed everything they asked; even joining The Strix and putting his ain life at risk countless times because they needed him to. He continued that he fought for Hope, kept Hayley breathing, and even kept white oak from piercing their hearts. When they tried to explicate that they had no option, Marcel vindictively realized that Lucien, Tristan, and Aurora had all been right; that the Mikaelsons simply ever looked out for their families and everyone else was nothing to them. When they reminded him that he was their family, Marcel shook his head with scorn and told them he was no longer their family unit and never would be again afterward what they had washed. He pushed Klaus away and stormed off in a rage. Marcel went back to his loft to be lonely merely was visited past Vincent who showed him he had the serum that had turned Lucien into an unstoppable monster, and offered it to Marcel, so what happened to Camille and Davina wouldn't go unanswered and that the Mikaelsons would finally respond for their crimes. He asked Marcel to be the affair the Mikaelsons feared nigh and to drive them out of the city as he had done once before.

In Requite 'Em Hell Kid, Marcel is still grieving Davina's death. Klaus visits him with hopes of sharing a glass of bourbon in an act of peace. Marcel laughs at him and points out that he'southward never been family, more than of a clemency case. Klaus denies this, calls him family unit and wishes him to follow him. Marcel does but not before grabbing the serum. Klaus takes him on a walk to where Marcel scattered his father's ashes, just as well the bridge where he was brought into freedom from slavery, with the Mikaelson family. Klaus explains how he was moved by Marcels ability to let go of his hatred for his father when he scattered the ashes. Marcel is still reluctant to trust Klaus, citing that he owes him nothing. Klaus continues to describe his jealousy over the man Marcel became, the ability he held, instead of being proud of Marcel.

Elijah arrives moments later, aware that Marcel has the serum capable of creating Upgraded Original vampires. Marcel pulls out the vial and relishes in Klaus' anger, remarking that Klaus doesn't desire him to exist equal but ever inferior. Marcel rants about them being the villains in Lucien's story, and how foolish he was to ever trust them. "Always and Forever is just an excuse to do whatever the hell you lot want." Marcel says. Elijah recognizes how angry Marcel is, and rips his heart out. They let the rivers current to take his trunk and Klaus is incredibly aroused and grieving the loss of someone he called his son.

In The Bloody Crown, Marcel reveals himself to the Mikaelsons every bit an Upgraded Original Vampire, shocking them all. Marcel then decides to declare war on them, take their compound, and force them to encounter hiding until Klaus decides to stand trial for his crimes. Marcel then heads the trial and finds Klaus guilty of many sins, generally including infractions Klaus made against Marcel and two other ancient vampires a role of Klaus' cleaved sireline. Marcel in the finish decides to wall Klaus within the Lafayette cemetery while being tortured under Papa Tunde's blade. Past doing this, Marcel has driven the Mikaelson family out of New Orleans to search for cures to help the family survive. This leaves Marcel in charge of the Quarter, once again; however, he was tricked by Klaus, yet again, into letting him alive (as unknown to Marcel, the other Mikaelson Family unit members are linked to Klaus' life forcefulness) as long equally Klaus is alive, they cannot be killed or die.


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